To record automation in Ableton, start by selecting the track where you want to record the automation.
1. Select the Track: Begin by selecting the track where you want to record the automation. You can do this by clicking on the desired track in the “Arrangement View” or “Session View.”
It’s important that the track you want to work on is selected, as the automation will be recorded on this track.
2. Disable Regular Recording Mode: Make sure that the regular recording mode is not enabled on the track. This means the track should be unarmed for recording audio or MIDI. If the track is armed, automation will not be recorded properly, so ensure that the arm button (usually indicated by a red dot) is not active.
3. Enable Automation Recording: Next, click the automation arm button, which prepares the track for automation recording. This button is typically found near the transport controls or within the track’s header. When this button is enabled, Ableton is set to record any changes you make to the track’s parameters.
4. Start Recording: Once everything is set up, press the main record button to begin capturing the automation. As you adjust knobs, sliders, or other parameters on the selected track, Ableton will record these changes in real-time. If you want to see this feature in action, be sure to read about volume automation here.